How to Join the MMP

Your Referral Link

Once you have registered with MMP, you will be able to create referral links.
You decide the left and right placement of the registrant in advance, copy the link, and inform the registrant on SNS.
The registrant selects the number of NFTs from the link and registers.

You can get business rights by purchasing NFTs.

Build your group to the left and right based on you.

Registration fee

You pay for the NFT purchase at USDT.

Pay 300USDT per NFT.

Invite a friend

You can decide whether to place your friends on the left or right and create an invitation link.

Upon receiving the link, your friend chooses the number of NFT Horses to buy and pays with USD tokens.


The placement will be on the left or right edge of the introducer.

The registrants you have introduced will be placed in the nearest vacant place.


You can make your sub-account an introducer and place positions to the left or right of it.


Registration number Left/Odd Right/Even
3 001 002
7 001~005 002~006
13 001~011 002~012
29 001~027 002~028
49 001~047 002~048


In MMP, it is represented by two types of IDs.

1. Wallet address-000
2. MMP257 *****

In the case of MMP257 *****, -001 and -002 are also expressed by MMP257 *****. This considers the case where -001 and -002 are made independent in the future.

If you want to introduce someone, we may create a referral link or give you your ID and wallet address and ask the registrant to do the registration work.

If you register multiple positions and give your wallet address
You need to tell the wallet address and 0 ~ and left and right.

When teaching MMP ID
Tell only the MMP ID and left and right.

*⇩After connecting the wallet, the ID displayed at the top is the same as -000, followed by -002, -003, -004, -005 ~ in order.

For example, if you want to register on the right side of 003.


When communicating with a wallet address, the registrant enters the wallet address, then selects 003 and then right.

To contact the registrant by MMP ID, contact the right side of MMP25789013.
In this case, if the registrant enters the MMP ID, only 003 will be displayed in the select.
This is what you want.