Receive rewards

MMP introduces full-fledged MLM marketing not found in other Decentralized Finances.
Anyone can easily check the compensation budget for the total volume of MMP.

Rewards are calculated and paid every 6 hours.
You can see it on your dashboard and withdraw it to your wallet at any time.


Acquisition conditions

*This calculation is based on NFT300USD.

HORSE NFT 1 = 1 position = 300USD
300USD x 60% = 180SP (Sales Point)
Rewards are calculated at SP and paid at EMAS.

Left Right Reward
1 180 SP 180 SP 36 EMAS
2 +360 SP +360 SP 72 EMAS
3 +540 SP +540 SP 108 EMAS
4 +1440 SP +1440 SP 216 EMAS
5 +1800 SP +1800 SP 234 EMAS

1~5Special reward 134 EMAS


  • Achieve 1 ~ 5 to return to 1
  • Achieve 1-5 to get a special reward
  • You can get special rewards up to 8 times a day, and the remaining amount will be calculated the next day.


*This achievement condition is fixed and does not change depending on the NFT amount.