Register instead

If you are MMP registrant, you can make payments on behalf of new registrants.
You register the referrer (must be an MMP registrant) and the registrant's wallet address (created with Metamask) and make the payment.
This has the purpose of popularizing MMP more quickly and easily.

1. Connect to MMP
3. Select the number of NFTs


1. Enter referrer
Click [I'm a referral] if you are the referrer
2. If the referrer is registered for multiple positions, select which position of the multiple positions to be the referrer (select 000 if the main position is the referral)
Then select left or right.

Enter the registrant's wallet address.
NFT and ADIL will be sent to this address after payment is completed.
Then this address will be registered as a new account and you will be able to connect to MMP with this address.

You pay the registration fee in USDT or EMAS from your connected Wallet